See also: Entertainment Special Events Amenities & Facilities
Outdoor Sport & Fitness Activities
Tennis on 5 clay courts: West Grove Sport Center: card draw 3:00 pm Friday & Saturday and 9:00 am Sunday
Pickleball on 4 courts: Sandy Beach sport area: 9:00 am daily & 5:00 pm Monday, Weds, & Friday
Volleyball: Join private Lake Como Volleyball Facebook group for play days & times, depending on weather & player availability.
Social Water Volleyball: Saturday 1-4 pm • Sunday 3-6 pm • Weds & Fri 6-9 pm • holidays 1 pm (or after poolside entertainment)
Petanque on 4 courts: Sandy Beach sport area: 10 am & 4 pm daily, weather permitting [Petanque lessons 9:30 am every Tues. & Thurs. starting Dec. 10th]
Golf: West Grove Sport Center chipping course & driving range: 10 am every Saturday & Sunday
Aqua Aerobics: 10 am every Monday & Thursday if temperature above 60 degrees and not windy.
Chinese Wand: 10 am every Tuesday & Friday at sandy beach till deck is torn down, then on the Butt Hutt deck
Activities & Meetings in the Lake Como recreation hall
Garden of Eden Christian non-denominational church meets 10:00 am every Sunday.
Arts & Crafts Circle every Monday 1 pm to 3 pm
Yoga every Tuesday at 6 pm & every Thursday at 1 pm.
Chair Aerobics, Weights & Walk Away the Pounds with Darcy five days a week Monday thru Friday at 8:30 am
Ping-pong every Friday 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Co-op Board Meeting (usually) last Wednesday monthly 6 pm: INFO
Euchre every Sunday 7 pm
Women in Nude Recreation meets at noon the third Weds. of each month Sept. through May.
Bingo every Monday: card sales 6:30 pm – game starts 7:00 pm
Chair Stretch Yoga every Tuesday & Friday at 10:00 am
Painting Party every Thursday 3-6 pm
Activities in the Butt Hutt bar: See Butt Hutt page
Activities at Various Locations
Billiards: 9 ball every Mon. at 7 pm • 8 ball Scotch doubles every Weds. at 7 pm
Kayaks & pedal boats available for use by members & guests.
Horseshoes: Sandy Beach area: no scheduled play
Shuffleboard: Sandy Beach area: no scheduled play.
Mollky lawn bowling Sunday at 1 pm on lawn outside rec hall
Song Circle every Weds. on the North Grove stage 2 pm to 4 pm